Monday, February 2, 2015

Self Love


If you are a product of the generation I come from you were taught to always think of others first.  We were constantly reminded not to be selfish and to take care of those around you.  To some extent I can understand the value in this, but I also disagree with the idea that you should be last or anything short of first on your list of people to care for.  
In my life what I’ve learned is that you HAVE to love and take care of yourself first.  It’s imperative to be whole and healthy.  If you are constantly only giving then you will find yourself exhausted and depleted.  What we need to know as truth is that in taking care of ourselves and putting ME first comes gratification and wholeness! I find when I take care of myself I am a stronger, more balanced mother, employee, friend, wife, etc.
How does one do this “taking care of me” thing? Well, thatanswer isn’t one size fits all so I guess if you want that answer you must learn what makes you happy? What gives you balance? Confidence?  When you care for yourself whether with exercise, beauty, meditation or whatever it is that soothes your soul you experience a burst in your serotonin levels.  Serotonin is a chemical created by the human body that works as a neurotransmitter.  Some call it our “happy juice” because it is responsible for maintaining mood balance.  When we experience low levels of serotonin we experience depression.   So taking care of yourself and making you a priority is crucial to your health!
I know that I can tell you for me, helping and giving to others makes me truly happy! It makes me full and content.  But I also understand that to do this the healthy way and successful way long-term I must give to myself on a spiritual and physical level! I must put me first and take care of myself so that I can help those around me.  This is a work in progress, I’ve learned the hard way the consequences of not loving myself first.  My life always seemed off balance.  I was exhausted and at times resentful but while I walk this journey and I choose to put myself first I find complete contentment and an abundance of inner personal strength.  I find I love harder and stronger and it feels like the amount of love I have is endless.  It feels good to love myself, flaws and all and to take care of myself because in the end I know I am winning and so are those around me. 
“Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first.”  -Carrie Bradshaw

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