Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lovin' on Me!

February is the month of LOVE and the ladies of Love Sugaring SD would like to share with you what we do to show ourselves some suga! 

How do I show myself some love? I guess it depends on what's going on in my life. If a "big life" event has happened, then maybe it's a therapist I need, but life isn't always about the big events.  We need to take time every day to show ourselves some love.  Even if we only have 10 extra minutes a day to love ourselves, then that's what we need to do.

One of my favorite ways to love myself is some retail therapy.  Let's be honest, a new outfit, make-up, shoes, bath products, etc., can really be what the doctor ordered.  This is not something I do all time because well my budget doesn't allow it, but I do budget for those retail splurges from time to time.  Some of the simple things I like to do is a nice hot bath. I love those "Calgon take me away" moments. A night of Netflix binging sometimes is all I really need, but journaling is one of my favorites. You can go back and read what you have written and see what was going on in your life at that time and where you are today. There is no art to journaling. I journal about anything and everything. Sometimes it's a bitching session, an inspirational quote, things I'm thankful for, new ideas and so on. Nothing you choose to write about is wrong.

Loving yourself does not have to cost a lot of money or time.  Figure out what works for you and make it a daily priority. You deserve it!

 Always on the go, a million things running through my mind, I usually find myself squeezing in time to do something for just me. Might not be exciting to most, but I find a clean house, fresh sheets, and a hot shower with eucalyptus inside (get some oil and sprinkle a little in the shower as it steams, AMAZING) clears your mind. Clutter drives me crazy which I find stresses me out, You'd be surprised how much relief you have. 

Although time with my girlfriends isn't as often as I'd like, it's still very important to me. Glass of wine and mindless gossip seems to be a good pick me up until the next time I find time to unwind, but never letting go of the classic "retail therapy". Something about coming home with new clothes,tags on and your nails just done makes you feel excited for the next day.

 I think the point of "me time" is to do whatever makes yourself feel acknowledge, nothing is too small or too large. Do you?

If you can't take care of yourself don't expect anyone else to! 

My whole life I have always wanted all boys! I think it’s because I have always defined myself as a “girly-tomboy”.  I never realized though that living in a home with all testosterone (including the family dog) would take a toll on me at times.  Believe me, I still LOOOOVE having all boys, but this girl LIVES for her girl time! Being with my Mom, sisters, aunts, girl cousins and girlfriends gives me a sense of peace and contentment that is indescribable.  I love talking about the latest Hollywood gossip, fashion, reality tv shows, you name it! 

My favorite is to pamper myself with girly treatments like facials or trips to the nail shop and there is nothing like retail therapy for me! It honestly makes me feel better! 

I’m a sucker for movies, reality tv and a good book.  By the time the boys are all in bed I like to do things that don’t require “mommy” to think too much! I love a bath with candles, until one of my little monsters starts banging on the door.  Any mother of a little boy understands what I’m talking about! 

Music is my calming joy! I play whatever artist is my favorite according to my mood and it’s my chance to just escape my thoughts and with a schedule like mine sometimes that’s all a mama needs!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Self Love


If you are a product of the generation I come from you were taught to always think of others first.  We were constantly reminded not to be selfish and to take care of those around you.  To some extent I can understand the value in this, but I also disagree with the idea that you should be last or anything short of first on your list of people to care for.  
In my life what I’ve learned is that you HAVE to love and take care of yourself first.  It’s imperative to be whole and healthy.  If you are constantly only giving then you will find yourself exhausted and depleted.  What we need to know as truth is that in taking care of ourselves and putting ME first comes gratification and wholeness! I find when I take care of myself I am a stronger, more balanced mother, employee, friend, wife, etc.
How does one do this “taking care of me” thing? Well, thatanswer isn’t one size fits all so I guess if you want that answer you must learn what makes you happy? What gives you balance? Confidence?  When you care for yourself whether with exercise, beauty, meditation or whatever it is that soothes your soul you experience a burst in your serotonin levels.  Serotonin is a chemical created by the human body that works as a neurotransmitter.  Some call it our “happy juice” because it is responsible for maintaining mood balance.  When we experience low levels of serotonin we experience depression.   So taking care of yourself and making you a priority is crucial to your health!
I know that I can tell you for me, helping and giving to others makes me truly happy! It makes me full and content.  But I also understand that to do this the healthy way and successful way long-term I must give to myself on a spiritual and physical level! I must put me first and take care of myself so that I can help those around me.  This is a work in progress, I’ve learned the hard way the consequences of not loving myself first.  My life always seemed off balance.  I was exhausted and at times resentful but while I walk this journey and I choose to put myself first I find complete contentment and an abundance of inner personal strength.  I find I love harder and stronger and it feels like the amount of love I have is endless.  It feels good to love myself, flaws and all and to take care of myself because in the end I know I am winning and so are those around me. 
“Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first.”  -Carrie Bradshaw